Clinics & Services
All of the doctors provide maternity, contraceptive, minor surgical and child health surveillance services.
- Minor Surgery - this clinic is currently restricted. Most minor skin lesions can be dealt with. Patients are usually referred to the clinic by one of the doctors in the Practice.
- Joint Injections - Our physio John is able to perform joint injections in the Practice. These are done in normal surgery time, and patients can be referred by any of the doctors in the Practice.
Practice Nurses run clinics for routine monitoring of coronary heart disease, diabetes, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Asthma
These are separate clinics which are run on a regular basis in the Practice. The Practice Nurse will review your respiratory condition and advise on any new treatment or care plan if required.
Coronary Heart Disease
All patients with heart disease are invited to attend this clinic. The Practice Nurse will assess/review your condition and advise on any amendments to your medications/care. Appointments for this clinic are available at regular intervals.
We hold a clinic on a regular basis. Our Practice Nurse will review your diabetic medication and care at regular intervals. Onward referral to the local hospital diabetic clinic may be required in certain situations. Chiropody and annual diabetic eye screening are advised for all diabetic patients and these are dealt with outwith the Practice.
Diabetes - Live it Highland
Primary Care Mental Health Team
Our colleagues, Donna Stephen and Kate Fraser, consult Wednesday all day and Friday mornings
Community Link Worker
Support for GP practice patients - click on the following links for further info - Change Mental Health
CLW promotional video “All information patients share with the Community Link Worker Team is treated confidentially. However, if there is a risk of harm to an individual, or of harm to others, then the CLW team have a duty to share that information with an appropriate referral organisation, such as the GP Practice, Emergency Services, or Mental Health services.”
Elderly Patients
All patients over 75 years of age are encouraged to have an annual medical assessment.
Child Health Surveillance
Appointments can be booked with the GP for a baby's 6 week child development check. For a baby's 8 week routine immunisations, appointments will be arranged by NHS Highland Vaccination Team.
For other routine childhood immunisations, appointments will be arranged by NHS Highland Vaccination Team.